Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Faculty Boat Ride!

A couple days before I left India, we had a celebratory boat outing with the Faculty Voice class. On a Monday morning, we piled into three cars and drove to Kumarakom, where we took an hour boat tour through the backwaters!
Cinny Miss, Ajitha Miss, Rachel Miss
Mary Chandy Miss, Ann, Anju
The group

Off the boat, Cinny Miss and I collect our medals from Sports Day (We were the only runners in the Women's 50m race. I also took 2nd place in 50m Speedwalking, lol)
Last voice class with Jemima :(
Photos that I gave as gifts to friends and family
English translated into Malayalam
Thank you notes Sherina and Ledu helped me make

Photo session with Ledu and Sherina at Bavens (yes, I'm leaning on a gigantic teddy bears!)

Picture of all the 2nd DC girls. Stunning.

As part of the Maundy Thursday morning service at church a couple days later, I was recognized by the choir of CSI Ascension Church and given this gorgeous plaque to take home. 
Elephant family from Jemima's family: we named them Jancy, Jemima, Jovan, and Johnson Sir
Little metal violinist guy- from Blesson

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