Friday, February 24, 2012

Heroes of the Faith

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;
    perplexed, but not in despair
           persecuted, but not abandoned
           struck down, but not destroyed." 
                                                                  2 Corinthians 4:8-9

The team of people that make up Freedom Firm are truly extraordinary people. I was privileged to spent five days with people who amazed me with their faithfulness and dedication to extraordinarily difficult work. I felt like each one of them had the most difficult job I'd ever heard of. I couldn't stop thinking about what an honor it was to be with them. After all, I'm not a part of Freedom Firm; I just happened to be hearing about it for the past year at MPC and knew I wanted to visit at some point in my year here. It all fell into place so perfectly that I was able to visit when Roger was visiting, to attend the retreat and be extremely encouraged, to lead worship, and Freedom Firm covered everything. I felt so humbled to be present at such an event.

I wrote an article today for my home church's newsletter about the people who make up Freedom Firm: heroes of the faith. All of us at MPC have been hearing about and praying for these workers for a long time as well as supporting them. To meet them in person was inspiring. Every conversation I had with any member of the staff was rich and brought sustenance. I felt like we were all just exchanging a steady stream of encouragement and God's Word to one another. It was beautiful.

There were so many blessings that came out of this retreat: getting to spend quality time with Roger, being spiritually filled through times of dynamic and intimate worship, getting to lift up familiar songs and learn new songs...but mostly it was about the people: a group of wonderful, kind people who invited me in as part of the group and quickly befriended me. 

Roger and I were amazed at the joy and hope the staff radiate in the midst of such difficult circumstances. In hearing the department reports, I was appalled at the difficulties they face every day: painstakingly organized raids that don't happen, brothel keepers who are brought to court after much work and go free, bribes in the courtroom... A lot of the girls don't understand that they are being rescued and actually fight against it, treating the staff horribly at times (this is because they have only ever been lied to: every time they have been "rescued" they have only been tricked back into the red-light district). It is difficult for the aftercare workers to establish a good relationship with girls who have known so much hurt and violence, difficult for the girls to live together in community. They have difficulty in getting the girls to testify in the courtroom, behavioral difficulties, health issues, HIV, and so much more. They even rescue some of the girls more than once. Can you imagine putting all the work into conducting a raid, freeing girls, and later rescuing the same girls from a different location? Sex-trafficking is a huge monster. It will not fall quickly, but God's victory is assured, and it WILL fall. 

Despite more difficulties than you can imagine, these workers continue to investigate and prosecute, continue to raid and rescue, and they do it with supernatural joy and hope. They love the girls with Christ's love, and exhibit extraordinary compassion in educating them, teaching them Hindi, English, Math, & social skills. They read the Bible with them.They teach them how to treat one another, how to live in community, how to make jewelry as a sustainable skill to have once they leave, how to save money in a bank account. They fight with them in their struggles against HIV and family problems. They never leave their side. I honestly wonder at how the staff are able to keep doing such difficult work with so little fruit, and I realize that it is truly Christ's strength and power manifested through them. And by doing this, they have successfully rescued more than 200 girls from the bonds of sex trafficking. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. And greater than the obstacles are the testimonies of rescue, stories of healing and restoration, and the successful enactment of justice. The staff of Freedom Firm will not give up, because they know and trust that God's victory over sex trafficking is secure. Though their work is slow progressing and heartbreaking, though they face almost insurmountable obstacles, they press on the knowledge that God has already won the victory and continue to put themselves in harm's way, putting their lives on the line, even, to save His daughters. They are truly heroes of the faith.

The staff of Freedom Firm live out the power of the Gospel daily, totally surrendered to God's strength and power, fighting valiantly to break the bonds of sex trafficking, even enduring physical harm. And yet they are not discouraged! Through God's grace and through the power of prayer, they are the instruments of God's victory. And they are the kindest, most grace-filled people you can imagine. 

Please continue to pray actively for our dear brothers and sisters at Freedom Firm. Continue to join them as prayer warriors in this battle against the abomination that is sex trafficking. Pray for their protection: physical, mental, and spiritual, as they continue to fight the good fight. Pray for the girls' healing and restoration. Pray that in their times of Bible study they learn to accept the only thing that can heal any of us: the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May we continue to stand with these dear brothers and sisters in Christ until God's victory over sex trafficking is realized. And Lord, may You hasten that day.

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18

The Freedom Firm staff: real heroes of the faith

1 comment:

  1. First time I am hearing about Freedom Firm. Makes me sad that bigger organisations (well set churches) are not getting involved into similar acts. Now, why should I blame others when I cannot find time.
